242W.01 Social Justice Lawyering, Writing Credit

While enrolled in Law 242 Social Justice Lawyering, with prior professor approval, students may submit a 30-page research paper and earn an additional one credit for the course.  This paper is in addition to all the other course requirements, including the five written assignments, but may be related to your case study presentation. 

The paper may be used to satisfy the upper level writing requirement, the LLM writing requirement, and/or the JD/LLM writing requirement.  You must meet with Professor Berlin or Gordon by September 1, 2017, which is the last day of the drop-add period, if you would like to seek an additional credit and if you plan to use your paper to satisfy one or more of these requirements.

Fall 2018

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor
Course Credits
Research paper, 25+ pages
Anne Gordon, Jesse McCoy
Degree Requirements
Course Requirements - JD
Course Requirements - LLM
Course Requirements - LLM-ICL
Course Requirements - Public Interest
Course Areas of Practice
Course Areas of Practice