PUBLISHED:February 15, 2010

Treat Award for Excellence

The National College of Probate Judges honors the recipient of its prestigious Treat Award for Excellence each year at its meeting. The college annually selects an individual who has made a significant contribution to the improvement of the law or judicial administration in probate or related fields. The achievement may b an innovative program that has been designed and adopted leading to advances in the probate field; an article, treatise, book, or opinion which is of unusual quality and resulted in a significant impact ; a leadership role in some organization or activity or contribution to probate law, probate administration or a related field, which contribution is of outstanding merit.

Previous recipients have been members of the Judiciary, attorneys and law school Deans or professors.

The Award Committee normally makes its final selection on or before September 1. Nominations for the award should be submitted no later than July 1.

Nominations should include a brief description of the accomplishments of the nominee and the names of the proposers.

Winners of the award are required to attend the awards ceremony in November and personally accept the award at the annual banquet in Charleston, South Carolina, on November 9, 2010.

You are invited to submit nominations of qualified individuals to:

Treat Award for Excellence Committee
National College of Probate Judges
Hon. John W. Voorhees
839 Washington Street
Bath, ME 04530
Fax: (207) 443-2273

Nominations received by July 1, 2010 will be considered.